AA Party Theme Ideas

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Food becomes an important element at nonalcoholic gatherings.

You may know someone, perhaps a family member, who is following the AA program to sobriety. Alcoholics Anonymous, or AA, is a longstanding reputable support organization for those who want to break the alcohol addiction and remain sober. Even small accomplishments for someone struggling with this addiction are worth celebrating and nothing will mean more to the guest of honor than to have guests who are encouraging his goals. Selecting an appropriate theme for your party celebration will eliminate any hesitation and ensure a good time for all attending.



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Coffee drinking is a natural and common substitute for recovering alcoholics, according to researchers at Vanderbilt University. In fact, at almost any AA meeting there will be coffee available for those attending. Selecting coffee as your theme for a party celebrating sobriety can introduce the world of coffee varieties to your guests. Set up a coffee bar with half a dozen different blends of coffee, such as French, espresso and Kona. Have a tasting contest where guests must guess the flavor, like mocha, hazelnut or vanilla. Favors or prizes can be bags of various blends of coffee, coffee mugs and other specialty items associated with coffee. Give the honoree a subscription to a coffee-of-the-month club, or a gift card to a local coffee shop. If the AA guest of honor prefers tea over coffee, substitute various teas for coffee.

Video of the Day

Flower a Day

For a person working to remain sober through the AA program, every day of sobriety is an accomplishment. Each and every successful day should be celebrated and acknowledged. A perfect way to do this is to give the AA guest of honor a flower for each day of sobriety. Have your guests each bring one flower bloom to give to the honoree, then have the additional flowers to complete the number in a vase at the party. If the guest of honor has a favorite flower like roses, daisies, or lilies, present the person with a potted plant. The potted plant can represent the AA person's new sober life growing and blooming, and be a daily reminder and encouragement of the success with the AA program.. Refreshments might include a flower-decorated cake, flower-shaped cookies, and vegetables and fruit cut to resemble flowers.



Although not affiliated with Alcoholics Anonymous, BagheadSponsor has become a popular web-based support for people battling alcohol addiction by providing free, humorous support videos. All characters in the videos mask their identity by wearing brown paper bags that have simple faces painted on them. Play the various BagheadSponsor videos during your party, and have the guests paint their own Bagheads, or tell them to arrive at your party wearing homemade Bagheads. Make your own Baghead-style video or videos at the party to give to the guest of honor, and make copies to give to all the guests later.


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