Finger Food Ideas for a 50th Wedding Anniversary Party

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Planning a 50th wedding anniversary requires much forethought. After all, this is the Golden Anniversary. A marriage that lasts 50 years is pretty special, and the family and friendships that have grown from this bond add to the reasons to make this an anniversary party one to outdo all other anniversary parties. As you plan the details, from the location and entertainment to the menu, whether for a dinner in your home or garden or a party in a banquet hall or ballroom, you may be surprised at how much thought can go into something as simple as finger foods.


Dinner Party Hors d'oeuvres

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Hors d'oeuvres, served before the main course, make wonderful finger food for anniversary parties, particularly milestone anniversaries like a 50th. Regardless of whether you are planning a casual or elegant gathering, offer several different appetizers for your guests to nibble. Small pastry shells filled and baked with salmon mousse, cheesy spinach or quiche are perfect. Other ideas for appetizers are French bread pieces topped with mushrooms, herbs and cheese strips, or tiny grilled sandwiches, crusts cut off, and filled with assorted specialty meats and cheeses.

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Dipping Delights

Dips for chips, breads, crackers, fruits and vegetables at a 50th wedding anniversary party can have your guests eagerly wondering which to sample next. Dips made with seafood like crab, shrimp and salmon easily complement your other finger food. Salsas made with fruits instead of the traditional tomato-based salsas are sweet and light. Fondue pots filled with warm dips that your guests can freely submerge bits of bread or fruit into will add variety.


Little Meals on Sticks

Whether the skewers you use are toothpicks or larger bamboo skewers, fill them with delectable items like seafood, lamb, chicken and beef. Add vegetables or fruit in between the meats that will complement the taste. Offer sweet and sour or herb dips your guests can add to the skewer treats for enhanced flavor.


Grand Finale

Most 50th wedding anniversary parties will include a cake, sometimes a large sheet cake or an elaborate tiered cake similar to a wedding cake. Even with a cake, several platters of finger food sweet treats will be appreciated by your guests. Petit fours, bourbon balls, cookies and pastries, such as miniature tarts with fruits or custards, topped with whipped cream will quickly disappear from the platters.


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