100th Anniversary Ideas for a Bank

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Every banking institution deserves a big celebration on their 100th anniversary.

Celebrate your banking institution's 100th anniversary with creative event planning. With all the bank mergers these days, it is an incredible feat for a bank to boast 100 years of operation. Believe it or not, there still are banks out there that can say they have been around for that long. These banks deserve to have a big celebration in their honor.


Pre-Celebration Employee Event

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Give a party before the party. However, this pre-party will be exclusively for the bank employees. The strategy in holding this party for the workers is that they will be more likely to volunteer their services for the actual celebration (preferably the next day). Executive management will provide their help to develop the anniversary but it will be harder to get the help of the lower level employees. When the employees see that their bank is willing to throw a party strictly for them, they will most likely be willing to help out in facilitating the actual anniversary celebration. To throw a successful 100th anniversary bank ceremony, you will need all the help you can get. Employee involvement from top to bottom is necessary. At the employee party, you can create fun events such as a karaoke competition where the senior management will be the judges and the winner will get $500. The workers will love this. Again, the purpose of this pre-party is to get the lower level employees enthused about volunteering their services the next day at the 100 year anniversary celebration.


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Bank Cookout

Hold this cookout in the park nearest to the bank so that it is convenient for employees and customers to attend. Get as many bank workers as possible to volunteer to cook and serve hot dogs and hand out beverages. This event is a way to attract future potential banking customers as well. To help tie in to the 100th anniversary theme, have gifts and prizes prepared to give away to the first 100 new customers that sign up for an account at the bank.


Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony

Ribbon-cutting ceremonies are usually meant to welcome the opening of a new business venue. In this case the ceremony can symbolize the bank's opening for the next 100 years. Have a Master of Ceremonies to entertain guests and invite all senior management and preferred customers of the bank . Arrange for a caterer to provide food and beverage. Hire either a live band or a DJ that can cater to a crowd of all ages and play music appropriate for a family. Arrange for a family appropriate comedian to tell some jokes about the banking institution and its 100 year history.


Family Portrait Day

The bank hires a professional photographer to photograph families together. This event should be open to all, not just customers. By allowing non-customers to participate, they become potential future customers, which is great business for the bank. While the photographer is doing his job, have 100 pictures posted around the bank documenting some of the most memorable moments of the bank's 100-year history. Therefore, while families are waiting to get their photos taken, they can walk around the bank like it is a photo gallery or museum and learn more about it, thereby promoting your brand.

