Black & Decker Mouse Instructions

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Black & Decker Mouse

The Black & Decker Mouse is a handy palm sander. With its pointed tip and small size, it can get into tight areas. Proper use is important to achieve the results you want. It can be used for woodworking, refinishing furniture, buffing metals or anything else that you can hand sand.



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Wear eye and hearing protection and a dust mask while using the Mouse but avoid loose clothing or jewelry. Keep the power button turned off before plugging in the Mouse. Don't sand lead-based paint.


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Choosing the Pad


Picking the correct sandpaper or pad for your project is the key to using the Mouse successfully. For removing rust, paint or varnish use the medium-grit sandpaper. Fine grit should be used for blending and finishing and extra fine for sanding between coats of varnish, paint or polyurethane.


Gray foam pads are available for applying polish, white pads are for light scrubbing and red for heavy scrubbing. Two polishing wool pads are also provided: a heavier one for polishing metals and a lighter one for polishing varnish or polyurethane.

Install the Pad

Finger attachment installed

After choosing the correct pad or paper for your project, remove the extra tips and put them aside. They can be used later. Place the tear-drop-shaped sheet that remains on the base of the Mouse. You do not need to affix it in anyway.


As the tip wears down, peel it off and replace it with one of the tips you removed at the beginning.

A finger attachment provides a raised, smaller section at the tip of the Mouse for fine-detail sanding in tight corners. Remove the sanding sheet from the pad. Unscrew the tip from the base and replace it with the finger attachment.


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