The Best Birthday Ideas for a Last Minute Surprise

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Surprise Party

Birthdays are important celebrations. Each year you want to show that special person how much you care about them. Birthday surprises are often the most cherished and memorable parts of a person's birthday. You may decide you want to save a present to give them later, as a surprise, or tell them something special. Here are some other ideas for last minute birthday surprises.


Best for Last

Video of the Day

After your birthday star has opened all of his gifts, help him move the gifts or clean-up the area. Once this is done, hand him one last gift. Make sure that this gift will be shocking, something they have really been wanting. This will surprise the birthday star, and will probably be remembered for years.

Video of the Day

Burn a CD

Burn a CD before the party of the birthday girl's favorite songs. Play the CD during the party to surprise her and give it to her when the party is over. Your birthday star will feel special that you knew each of her favorite songs. If you need help figuring it out, ask her closest friends.



When everyone is eating, surprise the birthday boy by singing a song or having a band play. The song could be about them or one of their favorites. Have the band equipment hidden from everyone. For example, if the party is at a public place you can have things setup before the party starts. The birthday boy and his guests will think the equipment is there for another party.


Baby Picture

Before the party, have one of the birthday girl's baby pictures blown up and hung on the wall. When she arrives she will be shocked to see it. Put a marker nearby so guests can write birthday wishes on the photo.


Special Guest

While keeping it a secret from the birthday boy, invite a special guest to the party. If it is a child's party, invite a clown or a magician. If it is an adult's party, this person could be a long lost friend, a family member that they don't get to see often or someone they admire. You could plan a special dinner for the two of them after the birthday party.

