What Do I Use to Fill in the Holes Around the Coax Cables in the House Siding?

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Did the cable man cut some big holes in your new wooden siding? Or maybe they were just small ones, and you still want a tight seal around the new coaxial cable lines that now give you access to over 120 channels. There might even be some empty holes where the cable company had to move an old line to a new location. Here's what you can do after the cable guy has left to tighten up your exterior of your house.


Small Holes

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Small holes around a cable line or series of cable lines can easily be patched with an exterior-grade silicone caulk. It is probably best to pick a solid white caulk or perhaps one that matches the color of the siding. If the wood is left natural, you might go with a clear silicone. First clear the hole of any debris and then add the caulk with a caulk gun. Apply a generous portion of the sealant with the caulk gun, and then smooth the sealant with a putty knife until it is flush with the surface of the siding. Once the caulking dries, it can be painted to match the side of the building.

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Round Wooden Plugs

An empty hole left by the cable guy (or gal) can be filled with a wooden insert that can be cut from the same wooden material that was used to side the house. Measure the hole to estimate the size of the cut and then, to get a perfect circle, use a hole cutter. These handy cutting devices come in standard sizes and can be inserted into an electric drill. When the drill is turned on, they will spin like a drill bit, but they have teeth and will cut a disc-shaped piece of wood at various sizes. If the plug does not quite fit, then carve the plug or enlarge the hole with an utility knife. With a little practice, you can create a wooden plug that will fit into the hole and remain tight because of the close fit. Still, a good coating of silicone caulk between the plug and the siding is in order and then some paint to match. When you install the plug, try to keep the grain of the plug going in the same direction as that of the siding.


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