Homemade Strawberry Ice Cream Recipe

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Making the perfect homemade strawberry ice cream can be tricky for something so simple. (Really, I blame the berries!) But have no fear: I've got not one, but two secrets to making the best, most perfect strawberry ice cream. It's such a simple and easy, no-cook method, you'll want to make this all summer long.


Image Credit: Jackie Dodd

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The same beauties that give us that delicious flavor and gorgeous color are at fault here. First, there is the issue of water. Strawberries are an incredibly water dense fruit which can cause the ice cream to crystalize. "So, I'll just cook them first!" you say? Well, you can but you'll be removing the beautiful bright pop of that fresh berry flavor. And isn't that why we're all here? Lucky for us a super sneaky ingredient helps us tackle that issue: corn syrup. This sly little sweetener impedes crystallization. Problem solved. Second, that distinctive flavor can get lost in a rich ice cream base. You want it creamy, but not so dense that you can't taste the star ingredient. The answer: use an eggless base.

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Strawberries will not ripen off the vine. Buy the ripest you can find and use them right away!

Image Credit: Jackie Dodd

Things You'll Need

  • 1 lb fresh strawberries, sliced

  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar

  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice

  • 1/4 cup corn syrup

  • 2 cups heavy cream

Step 1: Macerate the Strawberries

Add the strawberries, sugar, salt and lemon juice to a bowl. Stir to combine. Allow to sit at room temperature for 20 minutes while you prepare the rest of the ice cream.


Image Credit: Jackie Dodd

Step 2: Beat the Cream

Add the cream to a medium bowl and beat until soft peaks form.


Image Credit: Jackie Dodd

Step 3: Blend the Strawberries

Add the corn syrup, strawberries, and any liquid that has collected in the bowl, to a blender. Blend until smooth.


Image Credit: Jackie Dodd

Step 4: Strain

Pass the strawberry mixture through a strainer to remove the seeds.



Image Credit: Jackie Dodd

Step 5: Mix

Add the strawberry mixture to the cream, and mix until well combined.


Image Credit: Jackie Dodd

Step 6: Chill

Cover and refrigerate until chilled, about 1 hour.


Image Credit: Jackie Dodd

Step 7: Churn

Churn in your ice cream maker according to manufacture specifications. Add to a freezer safe container and freeze until hardened, about 2 hours.

Image Credit: Jackie Dodd
Image Credit: Jackie Dodd
