How to Care for Marble Pastry Boards

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Things You'll Need

  • Rag

  • Cloth

  • Cleaner

  • Marble polisher

  • Marble sealant

Image Credit: John Foxx/Stockbyte/Getty Images

A marble pastry board can be used for a variety of kitchen activities but is most commonly used for preparing bread and pastry dough. Marble is ideal for this because its cool surface prevents the dough from sticking. A pastry board made of marble is the most expensive, so it's important to care for it correctly.


Step 1

Clean the marble pastry board after each use. Wipe down the pastry board with a damp rag. Dry the pastry board with a cloth.

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Step 2

Use a cloth to wipe down the pastry board with a neutral cleaner, such as acetone, if it becomes stained. Stains can come from a variety of sources, including butter, which is often used in baking. Dry the pastry board with a cloth after applying cleaner.


Step 3

Polish your marble pastry board on a regular basis to maintain the board's shiny appearance. Marble polishing products are available at home improvement stores.

Step 4

Apply a protective sealer to the marble pastry board once a year. This helps prevents stains, and it improves the pastry board's appearance. Sealers for marble can also be found at home improvement stores.


Step 5

Don't damage the pastry board. Marble can easily break (or chip) when it is dropped. Avoid scratching the surface with a knife or other sharp object.


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