Things You'll Need
Measuring tape
Cup hooks
Embroidery hoop
Fishing line
Safety pins
Twinkle lights (optional)
Flowers (optional)

Decorating for a wedding reception or special party can be a challenge. How do you make your party unique without depleting your budget?
Draping the ceiling with fabric can create a fairytale look, making your event a memorable one. To decorate the ceiling of a party room, you need a few yards of fabric, some embellishments and a little creativity. Just let your imagination go.
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Step 1

Create the design for your ceiling drape. A simple and elegant plan is to drape the fabric from the corners of the room to a center chandelier. Measure the distance from each of the four corners of the room to the chandelier. Add 15 to 20 percent to the length of each measurement to allow for draping of the fabric. If you want to extend the drape to the floor, measure the height of the ceiling and add that to the length of each drape.
Step 2

Purchase lightweight sheer fabric for your drape. Tulle is a good choice as it is lightweight and gives a romantic fairytale look to the room. White is an an appropriate color choice for a wedding.
Step 3

Attach a large embroidery hoop to the chandelier with fishing line. Position it so that the opening is parallel to the floor. Tie it in several places to secure it to the chandelier. Attach large cup hooks to the ceiling or high on the wall in each corner of the room.
Step 4

Cut four lengths of your draping fabric. Tie coordinating ribbon tightly around one end of each length. Attach the ribbon to the cup hook in one of the corners. Repeat with each of the lengths of fabric.
Step 5

Drape each length of fabric through the hoop in the center of the room. Wrap the fabric loosely around the rim of the hoop and secure in place with safety pins. Be sure to place the pins inconspicuously.
Step 6

For a dramatic effect, weave strands of twinkling lights through the fabric drape. Purchase battery-powered lights to eliminate the need for electrical cords. Add flowers and other embellishments to complete the look. Positioning flowers or ribbons around the embroidery hoop will conceal any pins or other attachments.
If your event is in a rented hall, be sure to check with the management for any decorating restrictions.
Use an assistant to hold fabric ends and steady the ladder.
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