How to Make a Fireplace Out of Paper

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Things You'll Need

  • Old newspapers

  • Four 18-inch-square boxes

  • Two 28-by-20-by-5 inch boxes

  • Brown packing tape

  • Acrylic paints (red, brown, white, cream and black)

  • Paper plates

  • Large rectangular sponge

  • Shop towel or old rag

  • Gray paper or poster board (at least 20 inches square)

Use a sponge to make fake bricks on a fireplace.

Making a fireplace out of paper products is not difficult. This is an interesting way to recycle paper boxes. Children of all ages will enjoy the creative process of making a faux fireplace for Santa to come down on Christmas Eve. You can also use it as part of the setting in a holiday play. This is an inexpensive way to provide a warm, cozy setting for pretend play activities or as decor in a child's bedroom or game room.


Step 1

Spread old newspapers over the floor. This will catch any paint spills or drips.

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Step 2

Form the hearth by using the four square boxes. Seal all of the edges except leave one flap open on each of the boxes.


Step 3

Stack two of the taped boxes together on each end so that the flaps that are open are next to each other. Tape the two flaps together end to end. This forms the back wall of the fireplace and provides a place for the logs to sit.

Step 4

Pour some red, brown and cream paint onto a paper plate. Place a sponge into water and wring it out. Put the sponge down onto the paints and then pat brick shapes along the fireplace walls, starting at the bottom and continuing to the top.


Step 5

Place the two rectangular boxes end to end. Connect them with tape. This forms the mantel of the fireplace.

Step 6

Squirt some black and white acrylic paint onto another paper plate. Wet the old rag or shop towel with water and wring it out. Wad it up and dip it into the two paints. Dab it onto the mantel to give it the look of marble. Add more paint to the rag if it is necessary to finish the mantel.


Step 7

Allow the mantel to dry. Place it on the top of the fireplace and tape it into place.

Step 8

Set the piece of gray paper on the floor wherever you want the fireplace to be. Place the fireplace on top of it. This acts as the fireplace floor.


Rectangular boxes are available at mailing and shipping supply stores.

Place faux or real logs into the fireplace area once it is complete.


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