How to Match American Standard Toilet Colors

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When you select a new American Standard toilet for your bathroom, a particular toilet's color is definitely a significant consideration. As of December 2010, American Standard offers toilets in black, bone, fawn beige, linen, silver, and white colors. In addition to venturing to a home improvement store, you can also initially browse though color choices that are displayed online on the American Standard website.


Things You'll Need

  • Fabric/Tile Sample

  • Camera/Cell Phone Camera

  • Swatch

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Step 1

Consider the colors of the other fixtures and decor of the bathroom. Look at the colors of the bathtub, sink, counter, and any wall cabinets and hangings. Also look at the colors of the floor tiles and the walls. Note any common colors or themes in your decor.

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Step 2

Visit the American Standard website at On the homepage, place your cursor over the "PRODUCTS FOR BATHROOM" section and select "Toilets." Underneath "REFINE YOUR SEARCH" on the resulting page, click the arrow on the "Color" box. Select the specific color that you want included in your search of American Standard toilets. Click the "SEARCH" button to bring up the toilet model offerings that match your chosen color.

Step 3

Create a swatch representative of your bathroom's color scheme. Gather swatches of fabrics used in your bathroom and an extra piece of bathroom tile, and snap a photo of your bathroom, using a camera or your cell phone camera, if you prefer. Take the samples and photo to the paint department of a home improvement store. Have a swatch made of colors match your bathroom colors.


Step 4

Compare the swatch colors to the American Standard toilets offered in the store. Choose a toilet seat in a complementary color, as the seat is often sold separately from the fixture itself.

