Birthday Gifts for an 84 Year Old Woman

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Give your special lady a gift that will make her smile.

While you might not think of 84-year-olds as the partying type, reaching an 84th birthday is a cause for celebration. However, after 84 years of living, your great-grandmother may have all she needs, so shopping for her birthday might be a challenge. A gift with nostalgic or sentimental value will be meaningful to your senior birthday girl, so consider what might bring a joyful tear to her eye. Be mindful of any physical limitations when purchasing for a senior and, as always, keep her hobbies and interests in mind too.


Family-Focused Gifts

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Family is important at any age, but women in their later years may have the wisdom to more fully recognized the value of relationships. Gifts recognizing the 84-year-old's place in the family are a way to remind her that she is loved and supported. A photo from a recent family reunion in a dual frame opposite a poem about family bonds will be a decorative illustration of appreciation. You also could research the origins of your 84-year-old's family name and present the findings in a frame. Another idea involves doing more in-depth sleuthing to create a family tree to connect Grandma to her roots.

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While an 84-year-old woman has had a lifetime of experiences, that doesn't mean she is done learning. Give a voucher for cake decorating or crocheting at the craft store or sign her up for pottery or painting classes at the local senior center. Some community colleges offer programming especially for seniors, so give the gift of a course in French cooking or computer skills.


Chldren's Crafts

When the gift-giver is a child, a handmade gift is sometimes more special than something store-bought. Homemade cards are a simple way for a child to express their love for their older relatives or neighbors. Purchase a plain wooden frame from a craft store and have the child paint a frame to display his card. With a little help in the kitchen, children can make a batch of their great-grandma's favorite cookies or muffins, or pour chocolate into molding for a batch of homemade candies.



Show support for your senior lady's interests by making a donation to a cause in her name. This may be especially poignant for a senior who has overcome an illness or who has lost a friend or spouse to a particular disease. Breast cancer survivors will appreciate a donation to the American Cancer Society, and an 84-year-old woman living woman with rheumatoid arthritis will be grateful for your donation to the Arthritis Trust of America.


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